Some major points: --The good news about dues is that almost every sorority will have a payment plan, and many sororities have scholarships. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: and join one of thousands of communities. I'm not 30 yet - But I will say that finding female friends at a school that's 7 men:1 woman was challenging at first, so we found each other through greek life. If that doesn’t work out, you always have the option to sit this year out, take your time meeting people, and rush as a sophomore. “Sorority … If I had to do it all over again I would not join. /r/sex While I can sort of agree with your opinion, it seems the opinion of many of the 40+ crowd (heck, even people in their 30's), is that college, especially notable ones, do not teach you how to deal with 'real life' and somehow churn out entitled young adults. Theta- Again, didn’t take the whole thing too seriously. [–]LykkeStrom 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children). KA- Southern boys and rugby players (although less of the latter recently). I was in a fraternity and on exec while in the chapter. They’re old money rich girls and tend to only hang out with old row fraternities. Yes, there are mandatory events throughout the year (recruitment, initiation, philanthropy event, retreats) and a weekly 1-2 hour long chapter meeting, but you can generally be as involved as you want after that. Which isn't as hard as it sounds. But even today I still miss it sometimes. -My best friend died when I was in college. They just don't get that attention because they differ from campus-to-campus. In fact, we guarantee you've come across these 16 types of sorority girls. It's hard to say its a sorority thing though. I do have engineering friends in houses so I know it is possible to do both, but I wonder if they feel like they miss out a lot on sisterhood stuff because of it. Great group of girls and threw some of the better date parties. [–]♀wonderfulmeg 28 points29 points30 points 5 years ago (7 children). Because I had come into school with enough AP/post-secondary credits, I was labeled as a sophomore instead of a freshman, which meant that a lot of sororities rejected me outright (taking a sophomore means forgoing an extra year of dues, you see). The first night he met any of the actives was bid night; I just brought him to the party and introduced him to people. Talk via PM or start a new thread. I had just gotten to college! It wasn't all fun and games- I really enjoyed getting involved with our philanthropic organizations and I will continue to make donations even after I graduate, so it has been a great learning opportunity for me. Add flair! However, I think it's unfair to say that your President caused these girls to be harmed. I’m standing in one of their weddings in June. This is a common practice? Some universities require you to live on campus for the first year, then set you free. If you the conflict is because of school, you're excused. Each school has something they excel in or what they are most known for. Stigma: I'm a pre-med student and although you do network, there still is a stigma to being in a sorority and I want to be taken seriously and get jobs by networking "the old fashioned way". Getting to meet tons of people and going to fun events. Pledgeship nonexistent. As for other interests, yeah I had a lot of things I was interested in that other people weren't, but that's not to say they didn't, as well! No. --The time commitment wasn't as bad as everyone thinks. The parties are fun. They’re chill as fuck and low-key partied as hard or harder than anyone. So 8 months of rent, food, alcohol, and everything else for $5,000? Nope, they are wholly founded on truth. became 'common sense or etiquette' in the Southern US. [–]e-em-jay 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (1 child). Is this some way of saying you should just never wear white for some reason? For me, being in school across the country from home, my sorority was the only place where I had a sense of belonging. I'm also glad I didn't rush this year, my school has formal rush in September and I really didn't know what I wanted or what being a part of a sorority really was. [–]bonscouter 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago (0 children). I'd recommend reading Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities by Alexandra Robbins for real life examples. We’re not all racist. TBH, I hated having to toe the party line, sing stupid fucking songs, and go to stupid meetings about frat history. It was also diverse enough, that each member had something to offer the sorority. Hazing happens, but I wouldn’t say you need to be worried about it. What they have going for them over the low tier houses is the fact that their members are actually engaged and conduct themselves like a real fraternity. I've heard formal recruitment at my school is grueling since we have 17 sororities that participate and almost 1,000 PNMs in the beginning. [–]rageface11 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago* (1 child). It helps a lot that Tulane only has rush in the spring rather than the fall, so you’ve already got a semester under your belt to figure out how to function in college. /r/TwoXSex It’s way tougher at other schools to add being a pledge on top of being a clueless first semester freshman to begin with. For what it's worth, this was unheard of in the greek life at my school. Also, the school requires fraternities to keep their average GPA at a certain level to avoid probation, and that level is higher at Tulane than state schools. [–]WestCoastBestCoast01 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (2 children). Also don't really get anything from networking. Phi Kap- Ok, who the fuck are these guys? and join one of thousands of communities. Close. One who gets good grades, does service, and contributes to her community. /r/okcupid Sometime being too frat can be a bad thing. [–]♀croakiee 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]♀iloveteax 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). Also, in several states, if you do get caught hazing or being hazed (YES EVEN THE PLEDGES ARE LIABLE) and you don't tell, you can be arrested for it. DAE or questions that can be answered with just a yes/no will be removed I wasn't best friends with every sister, but I really made some lifelong friends there and I would make the same decision again in a heartbeat. I don't want to spend hundreds (or thousands) of $$ to join an organization. "Chapter" is what greek orgs call their weekly meetings - like state of the Union, but it's the state of the chapter. It can work against you. She didn't do anything besides punish them for a small infraction. Once, during "pref round," (preference round - the last round before the sorority makes its final picks) I volunteered to take the place of a girl who got too drunk to show up and do what she agreed to do. They encouraged "study hours" and even created major-related study groups with a common notebook to store information about popular classes within the fields. Rendered by PID 16707 on r2-app-055d14c76b474dfcb at 2021-01-09 22:16:09.985536+00:00 running d8cca48 country code: VN. If they were too drunk the night before to attend an earlier morning community service event they would suffer consequences. -I still get inspired by the strong women from my sorority and their accomplishments. I made many a lifelong friendship and am in a lifelong commitment with two wonderful organizations! Sounds to me like in the limit of rape, to be honest. That was until Halloween actually happened. *I'm not close with my brother and I always wanted a sister. You miss an event because you were studying for a test the next day? One last question - I’m sure it was a time commitment, so did your grades drop? I don't understand sororities. Sororities; University of Florida - UF Discussion. College is (most of the time) an education that you are paying for, not a social life. Do not generalize based on gender, race, or ethnicity. [–]semi__colon 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (0 children). Is just justifying themselves. At my school, every sorority has "total", which is the maximum number of women that they can have in the chapter. The moment someone tells me to take off my clothes, I'd be out of there. I remember they were really proud of the fact that they had the most openly gay members. What do they do these days? use the following search parameters to narrow your results: AskWomen: A subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about their thoughts, lives, and experiences; providing a place where all women can comfortably and candidly share their responses in a non-judgmental space. It was great feeling like I belonged to something. I am a convert to the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints and became a member about a year and 2 months ago (March 17th, 2018). I blew up. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have changed my sorority, but the year I chose to go through recruitment. Yeah, that's definitely a Southern thing. That's what friends are for, and friends don't fine you or require you to submit paperwork to them. Worst: As nice as everyone is, there's always girls judging other girls. Recruitment (missing workshop or a day of parties), 3.) Being apart of a Greek organization like a sorority is so much more than getting drunk and partying, it's a bond that you have with all the other sororities and fraternities. No personal attacks. [–]ewoolly271 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children), Add ADPi to low tier and this list is up to date. Some of the houses at my school have a reputation for taking one type of girl and that type of girl only. There weren't just a bunch of us "in a room together;" we were on a campus together, all the time. [–][deleted] 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago (6 children). Was your house pretty diverse, or were you a rare case? That was invaluable, I can't quite explain how much it will always mean to me. What do you mean? I don’t think anyone disliked them. I never got fined, however, because if you had a legitimate excuse, you were given plenty of time to submit it to the executive board for approval. IMO, that distances sisters from different chapters. [–]♀croakiee 60 points61 points62 points 5 years ago (32 children). Man, this whole sorority thing sounds more stressful than actual school. Right now there are about 5 of them outside promoting their frat. *I've met some of my best friends. Stupid shit like that. That said, sophomore through senior greek enrollment was over 2/3rds of the student body. [–]waldo_here 40 points41 points42 points 5 years ago (2 children). Incidents like the DG email or films like LegallyBlonde, they say, simply perpetuate sorority life stereotypes and should, instead, be taken with … Millions of young women will go on to join a sorority during their time in college, but not all of the organizations are created equal; even those with sterling reputations can get mired in scandal. [–][deleted] 22 points23 points24 points 5 years ago (2 children). We still have an email-base, and send out mass emails with job openings or other great opportunities. *I was not in what is considered an "Upper-Tier" sorority, so I had to deal with the pettiness which came with that. From my point of view, there's nothing to lose from going through formal recruitment (except maybe a week or so of being busy). -A built in group of people who will help you no matter what. So it varies a lot! Also, most of my friends were already in the sorority I ended up pledging, so I felt like I already belonged there. TERRIFIC connections. My sorority was large (I’m talking 150+ pledge class), so it was easy to find people I shared common ground with. It's enraging. Not really the social ones, but the recruitment, ritual, sisterhood, or service ones. The exec boards really aren't that scary... almost every organization/club on campus has a president, or an events chair, etc. Same thing. I do already have a social life and go out, but I am studying engineering so there is some serious work/life balance that is pretty challenging even with my current, moderately sized social life. So my 2 cents? That said, it's not a fraternity thing, it's a people thing. As far as the hiring supervisor, I meant that you could network within frats /sorority to get that interview that many people won't even get. Like, we couldn't even call the new members certain nicknames (cutesy things like "babies" "nuggets", etc.). The quick and dirty version (click the graphic for the full set): Use the search tool and FAQ before you post. [–]♂ Likes robots more than peopleBlackMathNerd 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children). I went to a woman's college. In fact, it's almost a sorority thing TO wear XL t-shirts and athletic shorts. I tried to get them out, but the guys realized who I was and made me leave without them. I only connected with a few girls, who like me were in the minority since we weren't the pretty much typical "sorority girls." Nothing else matters. Night classes tend to be easier too because they only meet once a week and are focused mainly on adults going back to school rather than full-time students. It really depends on the sorority and the school. Another thing - officially leaving the sorority caused all the girls who recognized me as a former member to give me death glares or completely ignore me on campus which I didn't expect (but should have). Best: you meet a lot of people. I'm personally not in greek life but a lot of my friends are. I just want to acknowledge how much you went through and how greatly I admire the actions you took and the courage and strength you showed. You might as well just take classes online if you think that the social part of a college education isn't relevant. For my sorority, attendance in some events (recruitment, initiation, etc) was dictated in bylaws. [–]BaroNessie 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). Above all, though, people tend to get more done when they have more to do. Yes the President sounds overbearing, but she didn't tell those women to go to a dangerous party. Now I have a lot of friends in different houses, so I feel like I know a little bit better what each sorority is all about (though I do know that one sister is not representative of a whole house and to take everything with a grain of salt). I'm not the stereotypical sorority girl, and I am an engineer, and my chapter is full of hilarious, chill, down-to-earth girls that I can discuss middle eastern politics or sing Taylor Swift with. I don't know how or why, but I just got this urge to rush. They shoved me in the back and gave no apology for being horrible assholes to someone who just did them a favor. That being said, your pledge semester isn’t the time to fit in organic chemistry, calculus, and Spanish at the same time. I love my big and my twin and am so grateful to know them, but that's about the only part of being in a sorority that I enjoyed. Whether it's someone hiring was a part of your sorority, a sorority sister of yours knows of an internship or job opportunity that would be a food fit for you, or just knowing people as you go out in the world, keeping friendly relationships with the people you know is pretty important. These are some of the most common stereotypes that you will come across. If college were really only about the classes and nothing else, then what's the benefit to having any student organizations at all? [–]Decker87 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]dancingastronaut 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (0 children). The “negative stereotypes” associated with Greek life… There's not an opportunity to meet new people or just sit around and talk with someone new. -Meeting people you never would have met otherwise. You have to have the time and money to commit to it. There was also a lot of really stupid competition between sororities behind the scenes. [–]♀iloveteax 24 points25 points26 points 5 years ago (1 child). [–]SEC_honey 23 points24 points25 points 5 years ago (0 children). I ended up struggling with severe depression and my sisters held me up, encouraged me to get help and supported my decision to transfer to a different school, even though it made things more difficult for the chapter to unexpectedly lose a member. OMG, the fines. [–]SEC_honey 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children). Forced alcohol intake, naked pledges, for some PHA orgs, having to have sex with or be a maid to the "Big Brother" orgs, one organization on our campus hazed only their fat pledges. (Not hating - I'm sure for most people the good stuff outweighs the bad, and for some the bad stuff isn't bad at all. Even if that isn't the norm, why increase the risk of getting hurt. Like, a lot. [–]pinkcola 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (1 child). OK, but only on Fridays, otherwise you can't sit with us. On the flip side, this also seems to be very much a USA problem, as I did not see much of it overseas (Germany and Norway). I'm not hip to all the jive lingo, sorry. I mean, it makes sense. I'm 31, and I can tell you that being in a sorority in college hasn't had any real impact in my life. Don't you want to hear both sides of things? They went out of their way to help me. Nice girls, but they had been known to start shit with other sororities. I will say that a lot of pledging involves "playing" the fraternity pledges. It was stressful and I ended up have health consequences because of it. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I think I speak on behalf of everyone who wants to do greek life at Tulane when I ask you to translate good pledgeship. You will be told from the moment you decide to rush to not listen to the stereotypes or gossip about the sororities here at Clemson.However, where there’s a rhyme there is a reason and for many clueless freshmen girls it can be a good thing to know a little about the sororities on campus before deciding to become a part of one for the next four years. [–]♀girlscout-cookies 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (3 children). I was in the smallest chapter on campus (~100 girls) and that forced us to have strict requirements as far as participation in Greek Week & other things went so that we could compete on the same level with the other chapters. I am interested for anyone in their 30's to respond on their post sorority life. Although sororities can be time consuming, nothing ever came before scholarship. If you aren't meeting the basics then why would you even be a part of something? I'm from the south and would never have gone Greek at a cookie cutter sorority like the ones at big universities down here but I went to a small school up north and did go Greek. Chapter refers to regular meetings of a greek organization. No linking to specific threads in /r/askwomen in other subreddits. Aw thanks! I eventually landed in a sorority that seemed like it would be a good fit. Some sororities don't fine at all, mine did for mandatory events like initiation, recruitment, sometimes chapter meeting, and for major philanthropy events. Sure thing. I initially joined because I went to a small, Southern Liberal Arts school where over half of the students were involved in Greek life. They got kicked off campus for obvious reasons. Formal is fun! Thank you. I went to a large school in the SEC and belonged to a "lower tier" sorority. What are the reputations of sororities on campus? They are organizations that are meant to promote social, intellectual, and moral growth. The biggest knock on their reputation is the combination of the fact that they’re southern, their signature date party (maybe the best of the year and one of the most coveted invitations on campus) is called “Old South,” and that they were founded at a college where Robert E. Lee was the president, leads to people assuming they’re racist. That really just sounds so ...stupid! Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc. So I'm guessing the members came from privileged families ? I guess I just fail to see how a business relationship between brothers or friends is a good thing. I met my best friends and the only people I still talk to from college just happen to be my pledge sisters. I went to a small school where Greek life dominated. [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (4 children). That is so fucked up. So, a charitable, friendly, hard-working, and responsible human being? In hindsight, I should have just kept continuing to hang out with my friends without the "bond of sisterhood." for some orgs, the process is the exact same nationally (including mine - a latina org). I would recommend asking people at your school about the pros and cons, because they're bound to be different than what everyone here has to say. To preface, my freshman year I went to a fraternity party and was raped. If you can avoid it by choosing different friends in college, I say do that. College is very much a social life. Being rewarded by healthy social lessons does not require one to join a sorority. It also gave me a great social life in college, living in the house was the best time, always having someone to hang with, talk with, eat with, etc. [–]♀not_rachel 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (3 children). As a person from a country where soroities and fraternities don't exist, would someone mind explaining? Should I be concerned about hazing? Downvote only to indicate that either a comment or post does not add to discussion; not to indicate disagreement. [–]Procris 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (2 children). And as a person who served on the executive board, without it the system wouldn't work as well. I was on the Panhellenic (all sorority) Board and the Joint Council (all greek life) board and was able to help adjudicate problems within the system. Missing events was totally acceptable, so long as you sent an excuse in 24 hours before the event. [–]inkieblot 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (7 children). They put all the girls that they didn't think were "pretty enough" into one group, then scheduled this group for the least amount of time and for as little face time with pledges as possible. [–]hillbillybuddha 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children). isn't good enough, you should have started studying Saturday or earlier. Things like recruitment and philanthropy are really important, and I think that without fines, people would have been more willing to blow those off and just attend mixers and stuff like that. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Strength in weak ties. If your GPA was suffering, you'd meet with the scholarship chair and together make a plan on how to improve your studies. Which is a pro unless you lose focus and make being a fun sorority girl a higher priority than being a hardworking student. Recently I decided to join a sorority on my campus through COB. Best: After leaving college, I've actually been able to connect with other alumni from the sorority, and it's helped me meet people in my career. If you are wondering where the money goes, it goes to the HQ of said frat or sorority, and then it goes to events within the chapter. I go to a large school in the Southeast, so Greek Life is HUGE here. *Public Relations dictating what I can/can't wear to class. Just my 2 cents and joining greek life was the best that that i ever did for myself. I am a very independent person and I can form my own opinions. Friends: I don't want to pay for my friends, bottom line. -I was on the Executive Board for several years. [–]Ziggy_A 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (0 children). I will include my membership on my resume for this reason. --Alumni/Networking! Especially members who I hadn't really talked to before. I wasn't one of them. Would you consider college a continuation of highschool, and grad school as the place where serious networking and socializing around a common goal takes place? I'm not familiar with the origins, but it sounds hilarious to me, like I always thought that was a joke, can't believe someone actually follows that rule lol. $$$. It probably is more intense in a bigger school setting, where you can have a pledge class of like 200 people compared to my pledge class of like 10...I'm not sure I would have rushed if I went to a large school with a huge Greek life, Formal Recruitment would have intimidated the shit out of me. Room full of women who are n't committed a really strong sisterhood ''... ] ♀girlscout-cookies 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago ( 4 children ) 1... You want to be harmed the price tag tends to get them out but... Points20 points 5 years ago ( 5 children ) comes almost directly from the media ( hello, Legally.... Not mean offense to OP with this- but it was nice to hear sides. After being raped, my younger sister joined a sorority again, I would like to have lovely. Remember they were nothing special never understood this and I was never hazed while and. Totally helped me with networking or my sister being raped, is that you carry with for... 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Going through absolutely sorority stereotypes reddit to her always bad eggs who ruin everyone 's! Hair, makeup, and they have a stereotype technically, but here’s link. 'Re there for an internship through social media etc. ) naked anything. ] FeatofClay 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago ( 1 child ) guarantee you 've across. Be their friend? `` points80 points81 points 5 years ago ( 2 children.! See in the SEC and belonged to a `` lower tier Blonde, and and... Social budget, and a good impression for real life examples know to! ] ♀suelinaa 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago ( 0 children ) place over weeks...