Give old blankets, sheets and towels to an animal shelter. Say “Good morning.” Give someone a free session. Help a lost dog find his way … Write a thank you note to someone who has helped your career. Everyone wants to feel that they’re being listened to. (Do you play the guitar? Five Simple Ways To Show Kindness. Which ways do you try to show kindness every day? Jen Pilla Taylor is a former journalist and mother of two school-age children. Most cost little-to-no time or money, and will make a lasting impact. 50 Ways to Show Random Acts of Kindness to Your Neighbor. Each of you brings a box of clothes and takes home a few gems. Put yourself in their place. Visit a nursing home — read books to or play board games with residents. Keep gum or mints in your pocket or purse and offer them freely. Leave a small gift (chocolate bar, book, or flowers) in a public place for someone to find and enjoy. Write a note to a teacher, expressing gratitude for something specific they’ve done for you and how much it meant to you. So next time you feel stuck and are unsure how to be kind in that moment, check this list and you will definitely find something to get you moving in the right direction. Pick up trash on the street or at the park. Keep plastic bags filled with snacks and sample-size toiletries in your car to give to the homeless. Send a print of a photo you took of a friend or their child. Help out the new co-worker by graciously answering questions, going out of your way to show them things, inviting them to lunch, and even becoming a friend. Offer to pet-sit for a friend who needs help. Organize an Acts of Kindness Week for your club. Gently distract the grumpy kids sitting next to you on the plane. Grow your practice. 124 The holiday season is my favorite time of year. Offer to help an elderly person cross the street or load groceries into their car. Do chores for a family member who could use some extra free time. Plan a surprise gift or lunch for a teacher during Teacher Appreciation Week. Commend the kids on a job well done. Small gestures can really brighten a person’s day. Open doors for people. Help your child with small acts of kindness such as giving a small gift to their teacher, serving free lemonade on a … They lift the spirits of people around you. Sign up for self-paced courses designed to deliver balance and health. This is the time of the year where you get to spend precious time and moments with family and friends. Offer to wash your neighbor’s car, too. Grow yourself. Leave a server an extra big tip if you notice they are having a rough day. In case you’re short on ideas, here are 99 ways you can practice kindness. How to Nurture Connections Through Compassion. But if you’re handy and inspired to take it up a notch (and if you live in a rural area with a lot of ferals), you can provide food, water and even build them a shelter. When kindness is taught in school, children experience increased self-esteem, increased motivation to learn,   improved attendance, and decreased bullying and violence. And one simple random act of kindness can influence a small child and be the impetus they need for showing more love in their life. Donate gently used clothes to a charitable thrift shop. Deepen your well-being practices and develop techniques to teach others with a prestigious Chopra certification. Get certified. Next time you spot a coupon for your favorite store, print out several to offer to people in line behind you. Bring a reusable mug with you when you get your morning coffee, showing kindness to the environment. Following are 11 Easy Ways to Show Kindness. SAMPLE. 3. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. While it’s valuable to use your words to express your appreciation, there are plenty of ways to show your S.O. February 24, 2016 By momcafe 42 Comments. Offer the gardener, plumber, or handyman a cup of coffee or tea. Or, if you see people moving and you happen to have a free 20 minutes, offer to make a few trips to the truck for them. Donate a bag of stuff that you no longer use. Put a note on … Everything you need to live a life in total balance from the authority in well-being. We need more connection in the world, so lift your attention from your smart phone and look at everyone you see, offering a smile and acknowledging their presence. We have compiled 50 kindness activities for kids to help them practice being kind to others. Browse this list for 100 surefire ways to spread smiles and kindness wherever you go. (You need to have a certain amount of hair to donate. Are you a personal trainer? Smile and say “hello” or “good morning” to a stranger walking down the street. Offer to donate your vacation time or sick days to a coworker struggling with a long-term illness or taking care of a sick parent or kid. Tell a friend what you love about their children. Give up your seat on a plane so other travelers can sit together. Resource for mind-body health, meditation, personal growth, nutrition, and more. And that’s because it’s simply contagious. But luckily, there are other ways our kids can show kindness while also maintaining social distancing and staying safe. Show kindness to someone they love - King David expressed his deep bond of friendship for Jonathan by caring for Jonathan's crippled son Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:1-13). Please share this list freely because there just can’t be too much kindness and love in the world. Share a memory you carry with you. Let your spouse sleep in when it’s his/her turn to get up early with the kids. I’d had enough. 20 tips to stay healthy during flu season. 1. Invite a lonely friend to a holiday meal or party. Buy a box of thank you notes and leave it for your team at work or your family at home. Write a “thinking of you” card to a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while. Figure out a friend or family member’s half birthday (six months from their full birthday) and surprise them with a little treat on that day. I want to show the world how kind, intelligent and generous a human being can be. Here we are! Random Acts of Kindness: 10 Ways to Increase Love & Kindness in Our World. Yes please to all of that! Tutor your friend’s kid. Help someone struggling to carry their grocery bags. Make a double batch of the cookies you’re baking and bring some next door. Mow their lawn, rake their leaves or sweep their sidewalk as a surprise. Turn off your lights when you’re not using them, to use less energy and conserve environmental resources. Text a joke or photo to a friend who’s going through a tough time to make them smile. It is HUGE for them and small for you. Next time you order something from a counter, ask the cashier how their day is going. For bonus points, buy two and tell them to gift the next lemonade to the next person who walks by. Give someone a hug that looks like they need it. Take the time to write a great online review for a restaurant you love. Here are some ways to make kindness your habit: 1. Organize a craft night with your friends. Kindness: Love with clothes on. Showing Loved Ones You Care – 100 Random Acts of Kindness (Day 3) October 7, 2019 By Michael B You don’t always need to buy things for others to show them that you care about them. Master meditation and learn how to give others their own personalized mantra. Share a friend’s Facebook event or charity page, to drum up awareness for their important endeavor. Introduce two of your single friends if you think they’d be a good match. Offer to help someone with their luggage at the airport. 2. Hand out disposable water bottles to people working outside on a hot day. 5 Simple Ways To Show Kindness. Research your family tree and share what you learned with other family members. Smile a lot. Sprinkle a few of these ideas into your weekly routine, and you’ll be spreading positive energy with a chain of love. 100 Ways Middle Schoolers Can Be Kind 75 Ways to Be Kind to Others Smile at everyone you pass in the hallway, in the store, or walking on the sidewalk Hold the door open for people Say something encouraging to a parent who’s struggling with rambunctious kids in a restaurant or grocery store. It’s a rare gem, hidden amidst the pushers of haste and the irritable groaners. Bring in snacks or treats for your coworkers for no reason at all. Make eye contact. you love … Leave a positive comment on a news article or blog post. Tell someone they are doing a great job. Here are some ideas for ways to show kindness to your neighbors and those in your community. Include specific details. Stop to let a pedestrian cross the street. Hide a note and your spouse’s favorite snack in their car, bag, or desk. Smile at everyone, even if they are a stranger. Check out. After you’ve done good for others, be kind to yourself. Scrape the ice off a neighbor’s windshield after you’ve finished doing yours. Give your old warm coat or an extra blanket to someone who is homeless. Mark Twain. First established in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, the purpose of this day is to highlight good deeds and focus on the positive power of kindness. Offer to jump-start someone’s car or call for help if you see them stuck on the side of the road. Treat a friend to a yoga class or invite someone to be your guest at your gym. At your next social event, find someone who looks lonely or out of place and strike up a conversation. Instead of spreading photos and video footage of the carnage, let’s instead flood Facebook and the internet with inspiring acts of kindness, loving words, and pure goodness.  Don’t forget yourself! The last thing we can do is to encourage kindness through random acts of kindness activities. Offer a lesson. When someone needs to talk, listen with your full attention, without chiming in or offering advice. We don’t have to spread more hate. Create a new bulletin board for a teacher. The most genuine way to show kindness, in my opinion, is to show that you're interested in what a person is saying or doing. you care without ever saying a word. Asking questions shows that you're … Offer to babysit a neighbor’s child for free. Send a friend a helpful or inspiring article that made you think of them. Write a positive Yelp review of a business you like. 93. Make amends with someone you have wronged.   Studies also show kids who engage in random acts of kindness are more likely to be accepted by their peers. Show empathy – feel what someone else is feeling. Offer directions to someone who looks lost, or if you have time, offer to walk them to their destination. Plan a packing party to send care packages to troops overseas. Introduce a job-hunting friend to a new connection (or 10). And finally, be nice to yourself. These simple ways to show kindness for kids are easy to implement into your day. Give your partner a massage without expecting one in return. Ask 10 people to donate $5 to $10 and buy them a massage, package of yoga classes, gift basket, or gift certificate to Whole Foods to brighten their day with gifts that promote wellness. Organize a clothing swap with your friends. This is a wonderful way to kick off the year and is very popular with families and classes. Plan a neighborhood block party so everyone can get to know each other better. 1. I believe in the act of paying it forward; when someone presents you with an act of kindness, it is your responsibility to give one to someone else. This article shows you how. Buy your spouse’s favorite ice cream next time you’re at the store. Next time you hear a friend say they want to see a movie or read a book, buy the book or movie tickets as a surprise for them. Let someone else take that primo parking spot. Offer to take out a friend for tea, lunch, or dinner for no reason at all. Smile at passersby. Dec 01, 2016. Call your mom or dad just to say I love you. One act of spreading kindness to show them you care could create a sense of belonging in a broken heart. Put books in it for your neighbors to borrow, and invite them to donate their books. When you display kindness, you increase dopamine to the brain, leaving you feeling happier and more energized. Walk your neighbor’s dog when he has to stay late at the office. Write a thank you note to your mail carrier. As the old cliche goes, actions speak louder than words. Most of these ideas are good for any week of the year, and some are perfect for Random Acts of Kindness … Keep an extra umbrella in your car to give to someone stuck in the rain. Hold the door open for a mom with her stroller. Be kind with your words to others. Next time you notice a coworker stressed out or overwhelmed, find out their favorite treat and pick up that smoothie, latte, or cookie for them during the mid-afternoon slump. Maya Angelou. Send in glue sticks, pencils, sticky notes and paper towels for your child’s classroom in the middle of the school year as supplies dwindle. Kindness is an act that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. I realize this isn’t exactly a monumental act of kindness that is going to change the world, but it will make it a little brighter. And even if it’s not their birthday. Bring someone a coffee or their favourite snack. Create one for a local nonprofit.). Tell everyone to use them whenever someone does something they appreciate. For Strangers. Write a thank you note to a teacher who made a difference in your life. (Yes, displaying kindness can be that easy.). Volunteer at an orphanage or women’s shelter. Take well-being with you wherever you go with the Chopra app. Sign up for a shift at your local soup kitchen. These “random acts of kindness” even have a whole week devoted to the concept in mid-February. Buy an extra cup of coffee or warm breakfast and offer it to the homeless person standing outside the door. Buy a deck of inspirational cards and leave them for people at random: on windshields, at desks, on doorsteps. We’ll send you content you’ll want to read—and put to use. Showing empathy is one of the simplest yet best ways acts of kindness can manifest. Vow to gift the final product to a random person or donate the whole lot to a charity in need. Kindness is also good for you, the giver. Offer to take a photo for a someone trying to get the perfect selfie. Listen. SignUpGenius makes groups and clubs organizing easy. Make dinner for a neighbor who has just had a baby or surgery. 4. It could create more optimism and happiness. 6. (If it’s a stranger, ask first to avoid coming across as a creep.). How to show kindness – 40 easy ways: Give a compliment to a friend; Wave to a stranger; Say thank you (Leave before they realize what you’ve done.). Learn more about the time-tested and scientifically backed Chopra methods. Tell the principal how much you love your child’s teacher. Smiles are contagious. Offer to read to your child’s class during story time. Bake a cake or treats for someone celebrating a birthday (find out their favorite! Keep a can of soup at your desk and offer it to the next coworker who says they had to work through lunch. It is on purpose with purpose. 7. The “normal” ways we encourage our kids to show kindness aren’t going to work right now. Look for something good in his or her character during the conversation. Tell a joke to lighten the mood when a co-worker is handling a tough assignment. Don’t forget to get plastic utensils and a napkin. 03/08/2016 03:51 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Hand with a smiling face drawn on palm, holding a pair of heart shaped sunglasses up to the sun. Build a “little free library” box in your yard. For bonus points, send them home with leftovers for lunch or dinner for their spouse. Invite a friend over for dinner and cook something special for them. So I made this list of 87 ways to be kind and loving. The simplest way to show kindness to feral cats is to donate to a spay/neuter program in your area. Send in tissues for spring allergy season. Pass along a compliment to a service worker’s boss. Give an unexpected compliment. Offer to run an errand for a sick or injured friend. Pay for the meal of the people at the next table. Offer to cook dinner for new parents while they are caring for their newborn. Buy a cup of coffee for the stranger behind you in line. Offer to help someone move. Send a care package to a friend in another state for no reason. Write a letter of encouragement to a child you know is having a hard time. Give someone your seat on a crowded bus or subway. Organize a small donation for a coworker or friend going through a divorce, illness, or difficult time. 2. Small gestures can really brighten a person’s day. Nominate someone for an award who deserves it (like a “best boss” or “employee of the year” award). Facebook message a friend from the past and thank them for something they did years ago. With this in mind, here are 19 ways to show your S.O. Tell your boss one thing you love about him/her. Being kind to yourself will give you the energy and strength to be kind to others. Write a heartwarming comment on a friend’s Facebook wall. Everyone wants to have their say. Kindness makes the world a better place. Kindness is profound and in these times, kindness is a virtue that seems to be on the decline. Sydney Clark. It's a rare gem, hidden among the pushers of haste and the irritable impatient and often distracted people we pass in our lives. Help others thrive and find purpose with a mind-body-spirit approach. Publicly praise a coworker for going above and beyond. Do the dishes for your spouse, even though you also cooked the meal. Offer to return a stranger’s grocery cart to the front of the store. (Even if it’s not your choice! Well, there isn’t space to mention all of them or even most of them, but here are 6 ways to show respect for you to consider and hopefully put into practice. Send in hand sanitizer and tissues during flu season. Each year from Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday until Valentine’s Day we join with Toddler Approved to do 100 Acts of Kindness! 6 Ways to Show Kindness to Animals One of the easiest ways to teach children about kindness and empathy is to start by helping them learn about treating animals well. Add a positive comment to the conversation if office chatter becomes negative. Attend an event, such as a dance recital or sporting event, of a friend’s child. 1. Share your tips and tricks with us below! 5. Bring in a favorite treat and leave it in the break room. Listen. They may need that, and this shows that you understand what they are going through, which can help make them feel better. It was another one of those days where you wake to the sound of bickering, and it … Besides, there are so many delightful ways to show kindness and make it a part of your daily life. Write a sweet, encouraging note and put it in your child’s lunch box or under their pillow. Compliment a neighbor on a feature of their home. The Las Vegas shootings has effected all of our hearts. Eight Ways To Show Kindness During The Holidays It feels great knowing that you put a smile on someone's face. I am making it my mission to make Kindness fashionable again. Plant a tree. Post sticky notes with uplifting messages on the bathroom mirrors. Think about it: You witness a random act of kindness, and you can’t help but extend the kindness continuum by paying it forward yourself. Kindness is a gift that keeps on giving. Mentor a junior employee at work; offer to help them with their resume. ), Donate your hair to cancer patients. About 100 tags fit into a normal envelope with a $1.10 stamp, so it doesn’t cost much to be kind. Talk to a stranger at a party who looks like they don’t know anyone. (It’s extra fun if you do it anonymously.). ©2021 SignUpGenius, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Write an email to the manager of a coffee shop or grocery store that you frequent about an employee that you find extremely helpful and friendly. Be kind with your actions when the opportunities present themselves in day to day life. Organize a donation drive for coloring books, toys and art supplies for a hospital pediatric ward. These ideas can get you started on your journey of sharing joy and positivity with the world. In fact, one of the best things you can give in the coming weeks is kindness. Buy a box of granola bars and leave it in your car, offering one to someone who looks hungry along your way. Listening to what another person has to say is a basic way to respect them. Stay late for a co-worker who needs to get home. Leave a great coupon next to that item in the grocery store. Spring Hill College. Give your leftovers to a homeless person. Are you good at algebra? “Kind people are the best kind of people.” Author unknown Listed below are 100 ways to be kind. Extra points if you can smile and have a cordial conversation with a homeless person. Offer your expertise to a friend or someone who needs it. You never know what kind of day they are having. 9 Small Ways to Show Kindness to Others: 1. Kind people are my favorite people–those who take the extra step to brighten up a stranger or friend’s day and expect nothing in return. Great to don during antibullying month (October) and Random Acts of Kindness Week (February), “kindwear” is the fun way to show that your students are proud to be kind. That long-overdue soak in a bath scented with essential oil is a great start and will enhance that warm glow of kindness you’re already feeling. The next time you have leftovers, bring a meal to your neighbor, offering them dinner or a packed lunch for the day ahead. Make an effort to introduce them around. Give a friend a book you think they would like. Raise money for a project on your teacher’s classroom wish list. SAMPLE, Plan a packing party to send care packages to troops overseas. Donate your old cell phone or other electronics to charity. Do you make websites? Browse this list for 100 surefire ways to spread smiles and kindness wherever you go. Ok! Reconnect with an old friend you’ve lost touch with over the years. Send a message to a friend, letting them know you appreciate them. Kindness seems to be a lost art these days. Buy (or prepare and bring) lunch for a friend or coworker. This makes acts of kindness not just beneficial for the recipient, but for everyone in your community. Make your spouse’s favorite dinner, even if it’s not your favorite. Donate your unused frequent flyer miles to a charity partner of your airline. Offer to run an errand for a friend who is particularly busy or stressed. Make friends with someone new to the company. Buy lemonade from a child’s lemonade stand. Offer your seat to someone on the train, bus, or subway. Bring breakfast for your favorite barista out of the blue. November 13 is World Kindness Day. Donate to a friend’s favorite charity in their name. Point out the Positive for Someone Kindness seems to be a lost art these days. Slow down so someone can merge in front of you in traffic. Show some kindness by helping them out such as donating clothes to the Salvation Army or Goodwill, serving food at a food bank or shelter, or even simpler things like helping someone carry packages or opening the door for another person. Say “good morning” to anyone who crosses your path. (Like William Wilberforce wanted to make goodness fashionable again when seeking to abolish slavery in the United Kingdom.) Living in the … So whether you want to perk up a loved one, coworker, acquaintance, total stranger, or yourself, you’ll accomplish it all in one random act of goodness. Donate everything else to a charity. (Yes, the snail mail.). ), Leave nice comments on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (even to strangers.). 20 Socially Distant Holiday Gathering Tips, 20 Budget Planning Tips for a Successful Event. These “random acts of kindness” even have a whole week devoted to the concept in mid-February. The more conditioned we are to respond with kindness, the more natural it becomes. Volunteer some time. Discover your Dosha in seconds and get on the path to better health. 5. 10. Schedule a pedicure or massage, spend a few hours reading a great book or make time for another activity you love. Buy lemonade at the next lemonade stand you pass. Say “thank you.” This should go without saying, but anytime someone does something nice for you, say “thank you” warmly and genuinely, not fleetingly. Buy a box of dog treats to leave in your car, offering one to a furry friend who looks hungry. How To Show Kindness – 40 Simple Ways To Show Kindness To Others. Bring flowers to your neighbor, friend, or mom. SAMPLE, Organize a volunteer schedule to help others. Today, join me in starting a kindness movement, and together we can raise our global Kindness IQ! Send it in the mail. Organize an Acts of Kindness Week for your club. Donate a vacation or sick day to a colleague who’s struggling with an illness or caring for a sick loved one. Chalk a friend’s driveway. Let someone cut in front of you in line. Contribute used books to the library or school media center. Offer to make copies or do other chores for your child’s teacher. Something else to show kindness is when my cousin needed help with spelling a word l help him spell the word. Offer to schedule time with a new coworker to answer any questions they may have about the inner-workings of the company. Offer to read them a book or tell them a funny story so their parents can have a short break. Write a thank you note to your boss or coworker, explaining how they helped you. Text a friend or loved one a photo of something that reminds you of them. Bake cookies and bring the whole batch to your favorite restaurant or small business for the employees to enjoy. Some ways to show kindness is when i was out in the school yard playing a kid fell because her shoe lace was untied i help her get up and tied her show and took her to the nurse. Washing your car? Some of our favorite shirt sayings: Kind Is Cool, Choose Kind, Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti, and Kindness Is Contagious. 50 Ways for Kids to Be Kind. Invite a co-worker who is alone over the holidays to your home to celebrate. Give the pet lots of love while their owner is out of town. Organize volunteer efforts with a sign up! Here are 10 simple ways to show everyday kindness … Take a deep dive into Ayurveda - the centuries-old proven health and healing system. Strike up a conversation with someone you don’t particularly like. Promote a friend’s small business or website: If they are a life coach, personal trainer, personal chef, caterer, nanny, wedding planner, or run any type of blog, it means the world to them that you have their back and are telling others about their services—via email or social media. Carry $5 Starbucks gift cards and offer them to people in the street who look hungry. We are sharing 50 ways for kids to be kind that are easy to do and come naturally after a little while. 100 Acts of Kindness Project. There are plenty of ways to be kind at Christmastime without ever opening up your wallet. Use the free checklist as a scavenger hunt to look for chances to show kindness all day! Pay a toll for the car behind you at the tollbooth or pay the bus fare for someone standing behind you. 10. You don’t have to buy more stuff to bring joy to others this season. 20 tips to create a positive corporate culture. Next time someone cuts you off on the road, gently wave them in. Offer to babysit for a friend who needs to go to a yoga class. Buy a gift card to hand to someone on your way out of the coffee shop. Buy a lottery ticket and give it to a stranger. Give an extra tip and write an encouraging note along with it. Leave a note on a neighbor’s or coworker’s car wishing them a spectacular day. Organize a volunteer schedule to help others. Kindness is always a choice. Pick up a piece of litter on the street and throw it out. And generous a human being can be that easy. ) difference in car. Distant holiday Gathering Tips, 20 Budget Planning Tips for a sick loved one a tough time to them! Look for something good in his or her character during the conversation toward praise gratitude! Wants to feel that they ’ re baking and bring some next door donate your unused frequent flyer miles a... Lunch for a project on your journey of sharing joy and positivity with the kids besides, there so. 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